Hengchao Wang 1001778272
Download my files
from csv import reader
from math import sqrt
import random
import operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# variable
filename = "iris_data"
splitRow = 0.8
K = 5
distanceMethod = 1
Divide the dataset as development and test.
def str_column_to_float(dataset):
for i in range(len(dataset[0]) - 1):
for row in dataset:
row[i] = float(row[i].strip())
# load csv files into a list. parameters: start row end row and which row is classRow
def load_csv(filename, start = 0, end = -1, classRow = -1):
dataset = list()
filename = filename + ".csv"
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
csv_reader = reader(file)
for row in csv_reader:
if not row:
if end == -1:
if classRow != -1:
tmp = row[classRow]
row[classRow] = row[-1]
row[-1] = tmp
else :
if classRow != -1:
tmp = row[classRow]
row[classRow] = row[-1]
row[-1] = tmp
return dataset
dataset = load_csv(filename)
def saperateDataset(dataset, splitRate):
developmentSet = list()
testSet = list()
for x in range(len(dataset)-1):
for y in range(4):
dataset[x][y] = float(dataset[x][y])
if random.random() < splitRate:
print("developmentSet length:", len(developmentSet), "testSet length:", len(testSet))
return developmentSet,testSet
developmentSet,testSet = saperateDataset(dataset, splitRow)
developmentSet length: 124 testSet length: 25
Distance metric
def euclideanDistance(a,b): #euclidean
sum = 0
for i in range(len(a)-1):
sum += (a[i]-b[i])**2
return sqrt(sum)
def normalizedEuclideanDistance(a,b): #normalized euclidean
sumnum = 0
for i in range(len(a)-1):
avg = (a[i]-b[i])/2
si = sqrt( (a[i] - avg) ** 2 + (b[i] - avg) ** 2 )
sumnum += ((a[i]-b[i])/si ) ** 2
return sqrt(sumnum)
def cosineSimilarity(a,b): #cosine similarity
sum_fenzi = 0.0
sum_fenmu_1,sum_fenmu_2 = 0,0
for i in range(len(a)-1):
sum_fenzi += a[i]*b[i]
sum_fenmu_1 += a[i]**2
sum_fenmu_2 += b[i]**2
return sum_fenzi/( sqrt(sum_fenmu_1) * sqrt(sum_fenmu_2) )
def distanceTest():
print( 'a,b euclidean distance:',euclideanDistance((1,2,1,2),(3,3,3,4)))
print( 'a,b normalized euclidean distance:',normalizedEuclideanDistance((1,2,1,2),(3,3,3,4)))
print( 'a,b cosine similarity:',cosineSimilarity((1,2,1,2),(3,3,3,4)))
a,b euclidean distance: 3.0
a,b normalized euclidean distance: 0.6738353315566452
a,b cosine similarity: 0.9428090415820634
Implement KNN
def getNeighbors(developmentSet, instance, k, distanceMethod): # choose distance method.
distances = list()
for x in range(len(developmentSet)):
# print(developmentSet[x], instance)
if operator.eq(developmentSet[x],instance):
if distanceMethod == 1: #1 == euclideanDistance
dist = euclideanDistance(instance, developmentSet[x])
elif distanceMethod == 2: #2 == normalizedEuclideanDistance
dist = normalizedEuclideanDistance(instance, developmentSet[x])
elif distanceMethod == 3: #3 == cosineSimilarity
dist = cosineSimilarity(instance, developmentSet[x])
distances.append((developmentSet[x], dist))
sorted(distances,key=lambda x: x[0]) #sorted by
neighbors = list()
if distanceMethod == 1 or distanceMethod == 2:
for x in range(k):
for x in range(len(distances)-k, len(distances)): # cosineSimilarity need to get the top k biggest
return neighbors
def getPrediction(neighbors):
classVotes = {}
for x in range(len(neighbors)):
response = neighbors[x][-1]
if response in classVotes:
classVotes[response] += 1
classVotes[response] = 1
sortedVotes = sorted(classVotes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
return sortedVotes[0][0]
def getAccuracy(testSet, predictions):
correct = 0
for x in range(len(testSet)):
if testSet[x][-1] == predictions[x]:
correct += 1
return (correct/float(len(testSet)))*100.0
# test of KNN
neighbors = getNeighbors(developmentSet, developmentSet[1], K, 3) #test
def getAllPrediction(developmentSet, k, distanceMethod):
predictions = []
for instance in developmentSet:
neighbors = getNeighbors(developmentSet, instance, k, distanceMethod)
# print(predictions)
accuracy = getAccuracy(developmentSet, predictions)
if distanceMethod == 1:
method = "EuclideanDistance"
elif distanceMethod == 2:
method = "normalizedEuclideanDistance"
elif distanceMethod == 3:
method = "cosineSimilarity"
print("k = ", k, " distanceMethod = ", method , "accuracy = ",accuracy)
return accuracy
def compare(data):
for distanceMethod in [1,2,3]:
for K in [1,3,5,7]:
getAllPrediction(data, K, distanceMethod)
k = 1 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 3 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 5 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 7 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 1 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 94.35483870967742
k = 3 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 5 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.16129032258065
k = 7 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 1 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 3 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 5 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 98.38709677419355
k = 7 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
def plotRes(k, m1, m2, m3): # Draw bar charts for accuracy
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.plot(k, m1,label = "$test error$", c = "r")
plt.plot(k, m2,label = "$normalizedEuclideanDistance$", c = "y")
plt.plot(k, m3,label = "$cosineSimilarity$", c = "g")
def findBest(): # Find optimal hyperparameters
maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM = 0, 0, 1
m1 = list()
m2 = list()
m3 = list()
k = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
for K in k:
acc = getAllPrediction(developmentSet, K, 1)
if acc > maxAccuracy: maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM = acc, K, 1
for K in k:
acc = getAllPrediction(developmentSet, K, 2)
if acc > maxAccuracy: maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM = acc, K, 2
for K in k:
acc = getAllPrediction(developmentSet, K, 3)
if acc > maxAccuracy: maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM = acc, K, 3
plotRes(k, m1, m2, m3)
return maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM
maxAccuracy, bestK, bestM = findBest()
k = 1 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 2 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 3 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 4 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 5 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 6 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 7 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 8 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.16129032258065
k = 9 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 10 distanceMethod = EuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 1 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 94.35483870967742
k = 2 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 94.35483870967742
k = 3 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 4 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 94.35483870967742
k = 5 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.16129032258065
k = 6 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 94.35483870967742
k = 7 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 8 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 9 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 10 distanceMethod = normalizedEuclideanDistance accuracy = 96.7741935483871
k = 1 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 2 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 95.96774193548387
k = 3 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 4 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 5 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 98.38709677419355
k = 6 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 7 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 8 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 9 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 97.58064516129032
k = 10 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 98.38709677419355
getAllPrediction(testSet, bestK, bestM)
k = 5 distanceMethod = cosineSimilarity accuracy = 96.0