Naive bayes classifier
Assignment 3 Naive bayes classifier
Hengchao Wang 1001778272
platform: I7-9700k GTX-1080ti
import os
import re
import string
import csv
# from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import math
import random
from queue import PriorityQueue as PQueue # priorityQueue
Get data from txt
Some of my thoughts of data pre-processing come from my own homework in my Machine learning class.
# constant. dictionary of files
train_positive_file_dir = 'aclImdb/train/pos'
train_negitive_file_dir = 'aclImdb/train/neg'
test_positive_file_dir = 'aclImdb/test/pos'
test_negitive_file_dir = 'aclImdb/test/neg'
train_unsup_file_dir = 'aclImdb/train/unsup'
def file_name(file_dir):
files_name = os.listdir(file_dir)
return files_name
# save filename in txt
def save_name(file_dir, name):
f = open(name + '.txt' ,'w') # 'w' reset every time.
files_name = file_name(file_dir)
for i in files_name:
f.write(i) # string
save_name(train_positive_file_dir, 'train_positive_file_dir')
save_name(train_negitive_file_dir, 'train_negitive_file_dir')
save_name(test_positive_file_dir, 'test_positive_file_dir')
save_name(test_negitive_file_dir, 'test_negitive_file_dir')
save_name(train_unsup_file_dir, 'train_unsup_file_dir')
# get filename from txt
def get_data(filename):
f = open(filename +'.txt')
file_names = []
for i in f.readlines():
file_names.append(i.replace("\n", ""))
return file_names
# My thoughts of this part come from my own homework in my Machine learning class.
# remove some useless charactor at beginning
# load contents into dict
def load_data(fileList, url):
sentenseList = []
pa = string.punctuation
for file in fileList:
with open(url +"/"+ file,errors='ignore') as f:
ori_data =
data1 = re.sub('\n{2,6}',' ',ori_data)
data2 = re.sub('\n',' ',data1)
data3 = re.sub(' ','yxw ',data2)
data4 = re.sub("[%s]+"%('"|#|$|%|&|\|(|)|*|+|-|/|<|=|>|@|^|`|{|}|~'), "", data3)
sentense = re.sub("[%s]+"%('.|?|!|:|;'),' ',data4)
return sentenseList
file_names_train_pos = get_data('train_positive_file_dir')
file_names_train_neg = get_data('train_negitive_file_dir')
file_names_test_pos = get_data('test_positive_file_dir')
file_names_test_neg = get_data('test_negitive_file_dir')
file_names_train_unsup = get_data('train_unsup_file_dir')
train_sentenseList1 = load_data(file_names_train_pos, train_positive_file_dir)
train_sentenseList2 = load_data(file_names_train_neg, train_negitive_file_dir)
test_sentenseList1 = load_data(file_names_test_pos, test_positive_file_dir)
test_sentenseList2 = load_data(file_names_test_neg, test_negitive_file_dir)
train_unsup_sentenseList = load_data(file_names_train_unsup, train_unsup_file_dir)
# merge data
train_target1 = [1]*len(train_sentenseList1)
train_target2 = [0]*len(train_sentenseList2)
train_target = train_target1 + train_target2
train_text1 = train_sentenseList1
train_text2 = train_sentenseList2
train_text = train_text1 + train_text2
test_target1 = [1]*len(test_sentenseList1)
test_target2 = [0]*len(test_sentenseList2)
test_target = test_target1 + test_target2
test_text1 = test_sentenseList1
test_text2 = test_sentenseList2
test_text = test_text1 + test_text2
train_unsup_target = [0]*len(train_unsup_sentenseList)
train_unsup_text = train_unsup_sentenseList
train_to_dict = {'content':train_text, 'target':train_target}
test_to_dict = {'content':test_text, 'target':test_target}
train_unsup_to_dict = {'content':train_unsup_text, 'target':train_unsup_target}
Remove stopwords and useless symbol
# Copy the stopwords from wordcloud.
# My thoughts of this part come from my own homework in my Machine learning class.
stopSet = set({'did', 'such', 'doing', 'down', 'me', 'just', 'very', 'shan', 'against', 't', "you're",
'only', "haven't", 'yours', 'you', 'its', 'other', 'we', 'where', 'then', 'they', 'won', "you've",
'some', 've', 'y', 'each', "you'll", 'them', 'to', 'was', 'once', 'and', 'ain', 'under', 'through',
'for', "won't", 'mustn', 'a', 'are', 'that', 'at', 'why', 'any', 'nor', 'these', 'yourselves',
'has', 'here', "needn't", 'm', 'above', 'up', 'more', 'if', 'ma', 'didn', 'whom', 'can', 'have',
'an', 'should', 'there', 'couldn', 'her', 'how', 'of', 'doesn', "shouldn't", 'further',
"wasn't", 'between', 'd', 'wouldn', 'his', 'being', 'do', 'when', 'hasn', "she's", 'by', "should've",
'into', 'aren', 'weren', 'as', 'needn', 'what', "it's", 'hadn', 'with', 'after', 'he', 'off', 'not',
'does', 'own', "weren't", "isn't", 'my', 'too', "wouldn't", 'been', 'again', 'same', 'few', "don't",
'our', 'myself', 'your', 'before', 'about', 'most', 'during', 'll', 'on', 'shouldn', 'is', 'out',
"shan't", 'below', 'which', 'from', 'she', 'were', 'those', 'over', 'until', 'theirs', 'mightn',
'yourself', 'i', 'am', 'so', 'himself', 'it', 'had', 'or', 'all', 'while', "aren't", 'ours',
"that'll", 'but', 'because', 'in', 'now', 'themselves', 'him', "doesn't", 'both', 're', 'wasn',
's', "hasn't", "didn't", 'their', "mustn't", 'herself', 'the', 'this', 'will', 'isn', "you'd",
'haven', 'itself', "couldn't", 'o', 'be', 'don', 'hers', "mightn't", 'having', "hadn't", 'ourselves',
'who', 'than', 'br'})
# # Remove html characters. I used BeautifulSoup at this part but it's ok to remove this function.
# # So I just put it here as a comment but not use it.
# def strip_html(text):
# soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
# return soup.get_text()
#Removing the square brackets
def remove_between_square_brackets(text):
return re.sub('\[[^]]*\]', '', text)
def remove_special_characters(text, remove_digits=True):
return text
def remove_stopwords(text, is_lower_case=False):
# print(text)
tokens = text.split();
if is_lower_case:
filtered_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token not in stopSet]
filtered_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token.lower() not in stopSet]
filtered_text = ' '.join(filtered_tokens)
return filtered_text
#Removing the noisy text
def denoise_text(text):
# text = strip_html(text)
text = remove_between_square_brackets(text)
text = remove_special_characters(text)
text = remove_stopwords(text)
return text
# make a copy of data dict
train_to_dict_tmp = {'content':[], 'target':[]}
test_to_dict_tmp = {'content':[], 'target':[]}
unsup_to_dict_tmp = {'content':[], 'target':[]}
for i in range(len(train_to_dict['content'])):
train_to_dict_tmp['target'] = train_to_dict['target']
for i in range(len(test_to_dict['content'])):
test_to_dict_tmp['target'] = test_to_dict['target']
for i in range(len(train_unsup_to_dict['content'])):
unsup_to_dict_tmp['target'] = train_unsup_to_dict['target']
based on an actual story, john boorman shows the struggle of an american doctor, whose husband and son were murdered and she was continually plagued with her loss a holiday to burma with her sister seemed like a good idea to get away from it all, but when her passport was stolen in rangoon, she could not leave the country with her sister, and was forced to stay back until she could get i d papers from the american embassy to fill in a day before she could fly out, she took a trip into the countryside with a tour guide i tried finding something in those stone statues, but nothing stirred in me i was stone myself br br suddenly all hell broke loose and she was caught in a political revolt just when it looked like she had escaped and safely boarded a train, she saw her tour guide get beaten and shot in a split second she decided to jump from the moving train and try to rescue him, with no thought of herself continually her life was in danger br br here is a woman who demonstrated spontaneous, selfless charity, risking her life to save another patricia arquette is beautiful, and not just to look at she has a beautiful heart this is an unforgettable story br br we are taught that suffering is the one promise that life always keeps
Build dictionary
# Define storage of word dictionary and occurrence time
wordSet = [] # store word as a set
word_dictionary = {} #dictionary, {Integer->index: String->word: }
word_count = {} #count the frequency of each word, {Integer->index: Integer->frequency}
word_occurrence = {} # count num of documents containing current word.
word_occurrence_pos = {} # count num of positive documents containing current word.
word_occurrence_neg = {} # count num of negative documents containing current word.
def get_word_set(wordSet, word_dict):
for text in word_dict['content']:
text_words = text.split()
for word in text_words:
return wordSet
wordSet = get_word_set(wordSet, train_to_dict_tmp)
wordSet = get_word_set(wordSet, unsup_to_dict_tmp)
wordSet = set(wordSet)
# wordSet is a set contains all words. Exclude duplicates.
# build dictionary
count = 0 # index
for i in wordSet:
word_dictionary[i] = count
count = count + 1
# get occurrence time for each word.
def get_count(word_dictionary, word_count, wordSet, word_dict):
for text in word_dict['content']:
text_words = text.split()
for word in text_words:
# print(word)
if word in word_dictionary.keys():
if word_dictionary[word] not in word_count.keys():
word_count[word_dictionary[word]] = 1
word_count[word_dictionary[word]] = word_count[word_dictionary[word]] + 1
return word_count
word_count = get_count(word_dictionary, word_count, wordSet, train_to_dict_tmp)
word_count = get_count(word_dictionary, word_count, wordSet, unsup_to_dict_tmp)
# omit rare words if the occurrence is less than five times
for word in wordSet:
if word_count[word_dictionary[word]] <= 5:
Calculate probability and conditional probability
# cauculate occurrence of each word in pos ang neg. calculate word_occurrence_pos{} and word_occurrence_neg{}
def get_occurrence(word_dict, word_dictionary, wordSet, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg):
doc_number = 0
for i in range(len(word_dict['content'])):
text = word_dict['content'][i]
target = word_dict['target'][i]
# print(target)
doc_number += 1
text_word_set = set(text.split())
for word in text_word_set:
tmp = word_dictionary[word]
if tmp in word_occurrence.keys():
word_occurrence[tmp] += 1
word_occurrence[tmp] = 1
if target == 0:
if tmp in word_occurrence_neg.keys():
word_occurrence_neg[tmp] += 1
word_occurrence_neg[tmp] = 1
if target == 1:
if tmp in word_occurrence_pos.keys():
word_occurrence_pos[tmp] += 1
word_occurrence_pos[tmp] = 1
return word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, doc_number
# get conditional probability with laplace smoothing
def get_condition_laplace(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data):
tmp = word_dictionary[word]
conditional_probability_pos = 0
conditional_probability_neg = 0
if tmp in word_occurrence_pos.keys():
# Laplace Smoothing
conditional_probability_pos = float(word_occurrence_pos[tmp] + 1)/ float(size_of_data + 2)
else: conditional_probability_pos = float(1)/ float(size_of_data + 2)
if tmp in word_occurrence_neg.keys():
conditional_probability_neg = float(word_occurrence_neg[tmp] + 1)/ float(size_of_data + 2)
else: conditional_probability_neg = float(1)/ float(size_of_data + 2)
return conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg
# get conditional probability with m estimate smoothing
def get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, m):
tmp = word_dictionary[word]
conditional_probability_pos = 0
conditional_probability_neg = 0
if tmp in word_occurrence_pos.keys():
conditional_probability_pos = float(word_occurrence_pos[tmp] + m*(0.5))/ float(size_of_data + m)
else: conditional_probability_pos = float(m*(0.5))/ float(size_of_data + m)
if tmp in word_occurrence_neg.keys():
conditional_probability_neg = float(word_occurrence_neg[tmp] + m*(0.5))/ float(size_of_data + m)
else: conditional_probability_neg = float(m*(0.5))/ float(size_of_data + m)
return conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg
# compare conditional_probability
def naive_bayes(text, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data):
pro_pos = 0
pro_neg = 0
for word in text.split():
if word in word_dictionary.keys():
tmp = word_dictionary[word]
if tmp in word_count.keys() and tmp in word_occurrence.keys():
# laplace
# conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
# = get_condition_laplace(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data)
# m estimate, m = 1
# conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
# = get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, 1)
# m estimate, m = 0.5
# conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
# = get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, 0.5)
# m estimate, m = 0.2
# conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
# = get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, 0.2)
# m estimate, m = 0.1
# conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
# = get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, 0.1)
# m estimate, m = 0.01
conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
= get_condition_m_estimate(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, size_of_data, 0.01)
pro_pos += math.log(conditional_probability_pos)
pro_neg += math.log(conditional_probability_neg)
# print(pro_neg, pro_pos)
if pro_neg > pro_pos: return 0
return 1
def get_accuracy(word_dict, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg):
count = 0
score = 0
for i in range(len(word_dict['content'])):
count += 1
text = word_dict['content'][i]
target = word_dict['target'][i]
res = naive_bayes(text, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, len(word_dict['content']))
if target == res:
score += 1
return float(score)/ float(count)
Calculate accuracy using dev dataset
compare smoothing methods: Laplace and m estimate smoothing.
def fold_validation(word_dict, n_fold):
dataset_split = []
text = word_dict['content']
fold_size = len(text)// n_fold
index_list = random.sample(range(0,len(text)),len(text))
# print(index)
for i in range (n_fold):
tmp_dict = {}
tmp_content = []
tmp_target = []
for index in index_list[i * fold_size: (i + 1)* fold_size]:
tmp_dict = {'content':tmp_content, 'target': tmp_target}
return dataset_split
# 5 folds validation
n_fold = 5
data_after_n_fold = fold_validation(train_to_dict_tmp, n_fold)
# using development dataset
# compare m-estimate and laplace smoothing. edit naive_bayes() line 8-13
score = []
for i in range(n_fold):
train_dict_final = {}
for tmp in range(n_fold):
tmp_content = []
tmp_target = []
if tmp != i:
tmp_content = tmp_content + data_after_n_fold[tmp]['content']
tmp_target = tmp_target + data_after_n_fold[tmp]['target']
train_dict_final = {'content':tmp_content, 'target': tmp_target}
test_dict_final = data_after_n_fold[i]
word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, doc_number \
= get_occurrence(train_dict_final, word_dictionary, wordSet, word_occurrence,\
word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg)
score.append(get_accuracy(test_dict_final, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg))
mean_score = 0
for i in score:
mean_score += i
print(float(mean_score)/ len(score))
[0.9272, 0.9366, 0.9266, 0.9282, 0.9414]
result of laplace smoothing
[0.9076, 0.9132, 0.9054, 0.9012, 0.9248] 0.91044
result of m estimate smoothing, m = 1
[0.911, 0.9092, 0.9138, 0.9108, 0.9316] 0.9152799999999999
result of m estimate smoothing, m = 0.5
[0.9072, 0.9152, 0.9172, 0.9184, 0.9364] 0.91888
result of m estimate smoothing, m = 0.2
[0.9222, 0.921, 0.921, 0.9176, 0.9244] 0.9212400000000001
result of m estimate smoothing, m = 0.1
[0.9212, 0.9222, 0.9196, 0.9168, 0.9384] 0.92364
result of m estimate smoothing, m = 0.01
[0.9272, 0.9366, 0.9266, 0.9282, 0.9414] 0.932
conclusion: m estimate smoothing have better result. And less m, better result.
Derive Top 10 words that predicts positive and negative class
def get_top_10(word_dict, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg):
top_10_pos = PQueue() # priorityQueue
top_10_neg = PQueue()
for word in word_dictionary.keys():
if word in word_dictionary.keys():
tmp = word_dictionary[word]
if tmp in word_count.keys() and tmp in word_occurrence.keys():
conditional_probability_pos, conditional_probability_neg \
= get_condition_laplace(word, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, len(word_dict['content']))
top_10_pos.put([conditional_probability_pos * -1, word])
# if top_10_pos.qsize() > 10: top_10_pos.get()[-1]
top_10_neg.put([conditional_probability_neg * -1, word])
# if top_10_neg.qsize() > 10: top_10_neg.get()[-1]
return top_10_pos, top_10_neg
top_10_pos, top_10_neg = get_top_10(train_to_dict ,word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg)
print('Top 10 words that predicts positive')
i = 10
while i > 0:
i -= 1
print('Top 10 words that predicts negative')
i = 10
while i > 0:
i -= 1
Top 10 words that predicts positive
Top 10 words that predicts negative
Using the test dataset calculate the final accuracy.
# final accuracy using m estimate smoothing
word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg, doc_number \
= get_occurrence(train_to_dict_tmp, word_dictionary, wordSet, word_occurrence,\
word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg)
score = get_accuracy(train_to_dict_tmp, word_dictionary, word_occurrence, word_occurrence_pos, word_occurrence_neg)
final accuracy using m estimate smoothing = 0.92964